- At airport security, Sister Maxine goes through with a case full of mixers and assorted cables—no problem. But Jane gets pulled over because she has two computers. You never know...
- We learn from Sister Joyce that the CDPs will celebrate their 150th anniversary next year. What an incredible commitment to God’s mission!
- During the podcast, the chatroom has lots of questions. They love the convo with Sister Joyce and Sister Misty about what it means to cooperate with the God of providence.
- We’re in the dining room when to our surprise we see one of our IHM sisters, Kate Pierce, who was there to facilitate a workshop. Sister Kate founded Intercultural Consultation Services the same year that we founded A Nun’s Life Ministry, and she was a great source of encouragement and support for us!
L: Sister Joyce Detzel, CDP, is vocation director for her congregation, helping women see if their life experiences, history and deepest desires include God’s invitation to use their talents and gifts in the vocation of being a Sister of Divine Providence.
R: Sister Misty Garriga, CDP, is a newly professed sister. She currently is in ministry as the Director of Religious Education at Blessed Sacrament Church, combining her love of education and spirituality.
Mission Statement: We Sisters of Divine Providence are a community of women within the Catholic Church who dedicate our lives totally to furthering the mission of Jesus in the world. Rooted in profound confidence in God’s providential love and care for all, we commit our lives, our ministries, and our resources to furthering the mission of Jesus.
L: Sister Joyce Detzel, CDP, is vocation director for her congregation, helping women see if their life experiences, history and deepest desires include God’s invitation to use their talents and gifts in the vocation of being a Sister of Divine Providence.
R: Sister Misty Garriga, CDP, is a newly professed sister. She currently is in ministry as the Director of Religious Education at Blessed Sacrament Church, combining her love of education and spirituality.
Mission Statement: We Sisters of Divine Providence are a community of women within the Catholic Church who dedicate our lives totally to furthering the mission of Jesus in the world. Rooted in profound confidence in God’s providential love and care for all, we commit our lives, our ministries, and our resources to furthering the mission of Jesus.